Student Support
Girls do their best when they feel safe and have a sense of belonging.
At Waitaki Girls’ High School we have built a positive, caring environment where people feel valued and able to achieve to the best of their ability. Students support each other through Whānau Groups, the House system, and the Peer Support programme.
Guidance Network
The Guidance Network supports the learning of students by ensuring they are taking appropriate subjects and are accessing the learning support or extension they need. The Guidance Network aims to ensure that students feel safe and happy and develop positive relationships built on emotional resilience, resourcefulness and relationship building. Guidance staff include the School Counselor, the Careers Advisor and the Learning Support Co-ordinator who provide a professional service that is sensitive to the individual needs of students.
House System
The House System sees the school organised into four Houses, each with five vertically aligned Whānau Groups. The Whānau Group teacher has a pivotal relationship with girls in The Whānau Group – they meet four times a week for 20 minutes. This is the first link in the pastoral chain. The second is the House (Hapū) and the third is the school (Iwi). House leaders ensure a positive and competitive House spirit endures throughout the various House Activities. Within the Whānau Groups senior girls’ mentor junior girls in a big sister, little sister relationship (tuakana/teina). This is also extended into our Peer Support system where older girls help younger girls to transition into the school.
Year Level Deans
The Year Level Deans have an overview of their year level. They oversee the well-being of each student in the year group and have responsibility for their programmes, including organisation of subject choices, and the enrolment of new students. They are the first point of contact in the link between home and school.