Our Community
Students benefit from high levels of support from the school community. Former students from across the generations take an active interest in what happens for young women at Waitaki Girls’ High School.
The Board Of Trustees (BOT)
The BOT has the overall responsibility for the governance of the school and delegates the day-to-day management to the Principal and staff. The main concerns of the Board are policy development, strategic planning, management of funds, overseeing employment decisions, maintenance of school buildings and grounds, and ensuring the health and safety of students, staff, parents, and school visitors. The Board reports to the school community and the Ministry of Education on a regular basis.
Board meetings are public events and parents are welcome to attend; meetings begin at 5:45 pm in the Staffroom.
General correspondence can be emailed to the Board Secretary, Ms. Natalie Matheson: principalpa@waitakigirlshigh.school.nz
- Rebecca O’Sullivan [Presiding Member]
- Matthew Haywood [Parent Representative]
- Brendon Perumal [Parent Representative]
- Onna Tangifolau [Parent Representative]
- Nicole Phillips [Parent Representative]
- Dagmaar Rohrbach [Co-opted Member]
- Tracey Cranston [Co-opted Member]
- Louise Lane [Staff Trustee]
- Ofa Tokai [Student Trustee]
- Sarah Hay [Principal]
Board Minutes
9 Apr 2024 Confirmed Minutes BOT Meeting (5)
12 Mar 2024 Confirmed Minutes BOT Meeting
8 Feb 2024 Confirmed Minutes BoT Meeting
Important Documents:
Waitaki Girls’ Community Association
The Waitaki Girls’ Community Association (formerly the PTA) is an important part of the school community.
We are a group of enthusiastic volunteers and usually hold monthly meetings during term time where we meet with school representatives. Joining the WGCA is a great way to meet new people and extend your networks within the school community.
We look to support our students and school community with fundraising and practical help. Our major fundraising effort centres on our school gala which is held biennially. We also get involved with other school events such as Open Evening, the combined Waitaki formal, Choir night and Theatrix. In the past, we have donated funds to the school for a new sound system in the hall, outdoor seating, electronic devices, furnishings for the school library and for landscaping around the school grounds.
We welcome all parents to join the WGCA in whatever capacity they are able to contribute – whether parents/caregivers come to monthly meetings, donate towards raffles, or help out at school events, this participation and help are greatly appreciated.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the WGCA please contact the school office.
WGHS Old Girls
All ex-pupils and Staff are eligible to join Waitaki Old Girls. The National Executive of the Association is based in Oamaru, with a Committee consisting of members from our local Branch.
Our main aim is to be supportive of the School and its students by providing donations towards Prize Givings, a Bursary for a Year 10 student, who has completed two years at Waitaki Girls High School and is returning for further study.
We are privileged to attend Special Assemblies, Sports and Cultural occasions, Inter-house events and other school related activities.
A quarterly newsletter from National Executive is sent to all interested ex-pupils, providing news from the School Principal, with updates of development and improvements and also the many achievements attained by current students. This newsletter is of great interest to those unable to attend an Old Girls Branch.
Branches throughout New Zealand meet socially several times a year cherishing friendship, chatter, and laughter and reminiscing over years at Waitaki.
Branches exist in Auckland, Christchurch, Mid-Canterbury, Oamaru, Gore, Southland, and Central Otago.
How to join
All enquiries are most welcome to:
Jocelyn de Reus
106 Stonewall Rd
Oamaru 9492
New Zealand
Phone 03 434 5035
Email: p.j.dereus@farmside.co.nz
To join a Branch – On request a contact name can be given for a Branch.
Newsletter only – A subscription of $10 per year, receiving 4 newsletters per year can be forwarded to the above contact.