Mathematics & Statistics: Pāngarau
Ko te pangarau te huarahi ki te angitu
Welcome to Mathematics and Statistics at Waitaki Girls’ High School!
Mathematics involves the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in quantities, space and time.
Statistics is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in data.
These two disciplines are related but different ways of thinking and of solving problems. Both equip us with an effective means for investigating, interpreting, explaining and making sense of the world in which we live.
By studying Mathematics and Statistics, we develop the ability to think creatively, critically, strategically and logically. We learn to create models and predict outcomes, to conjecture, to justify and verify and to seek patterns and generalisations. We learn to estimate with reasonableness, calculate with precision and understand when results are precise and when they have to be interpreted with uncertainty.
Mathematics and Statistics have a broad range of practical applications in everyday life, in other learning areas and in workplaces.
A brief outline of what we do at each year level is shown below:
Year | What we do |
Year 9 | Geometry, Number & Measurement. |
Year 10 | Algebra, Statistics & Probability. |
Students are encouraged to work collaboratively on rich problem-solving tasks in Years 9 & 10. | |
Year 11 | Develop skills in Number, Statistics, Probability & Algebra. |
Year 12 Mathematics | This course has high algebraic content and is the pathway to Calculus in Year 13. It also includes Geometry, Trigonometry and Probability. |
Year 12 Mathematics & Statistics | This course is balanced between the Mathematics and Statistics strands and includes skills and processes in Geometry, Trigonometry, Networks, Statistics & Probability. |
Year 13 Calculus | Solving problems using algebraic methods, modeling with Trigonometry, Differentiation and Integration. |
Year 13 Statistics | Using statistical processes to determine patterns and trends in data and use these to make inferences and predictions for the wider population. We also use experimental design principles (closely linked to the scientific process) and Probability methods to predict the likelihood of future outcomes. |
Extension and Enrichment opportunities include:
- Participation in the Aoraki Mathematics Association Mathletics competition.
- Kiwi Maths competition
- ICAS competitions
- Research projects into a strand of Mathematics
- Cross-curricular projects
We have high expectations of achievement in our students; we find out their strengths and weaknesses and develop the programmes to extend each student to their fullest potential.